An Emergency Assist Alarm is defined in Building Regulations Approved Document M, and must be provided at all disabled toilets within non domestic premises, if the toilet is in a non permanently occupied space, remote indication must be provided at a central control or monitoring point.
An Emergency Assist Alarm can only be reset by attending the location of the call, so the reset point is within the cubical, also allowing accidental calls to be cancelled by the toilet occupier.
The Emergency Assist Alarm System can be powered from the local exchange or compact unit, and is fully monitored over and above the specification described in C4A-4.
Key Features
This simple yet effective alarm system is an absolute necessity for all disabled toilet facilities. Consideration should also be given to installing this kit into toilets and bathrooms that may be used by the elderly, the young, or people who may have conditions where urgent assistance may be required. Low voltage interconnections between the components of the kit make installation simple and safe.
This kit is ideal for installation in toilets or bathrooms in: